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gizdic.com > Lara's free games > Arcade games > Rail rush  
gizdic.com > Larina igraonica > Arkadne igre > Avantura u rudniku  


Avantura u rudniku / Rail rush

U ovoj igri vozite se u kolicima rudnikom. Skupljajte zlato po putu, unaprijeđujte svoja kolica i likove. Pazite, mnoge prepreke i slomljene tračnice su po putu. Koliko daleko možete stići ?

Vožnja = ; Naginjanje =

Travel to the depths of the mines in your cart on this exhilarating adventure. Collect as many gold nuggets you can hold while avoiding barriers and broken rail tracks leading you to your doom in the thrill ride game rail rush.
Date added: September 28, 2012.


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