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Larine besplatne online flash igre i igrice za bebe, djecu i "odrasle" ! Lara's free online games for babies, kids and "adults" ! > Lara's free games > Arcade games > Truck loader > Larina igraonica > Arkadne igre > Utovarivač  

Utovarivač / Truck loader

Svojim utovarivačem (magnetskim viličarom) trebate utovariti teret na kamion. Teret mora biti na pravom mjestu. Pazite na lomljive stvari. Utovarivač giba strelicama (ili A,D), mišem ciljate i lovite teret.
Gibanje = ; Magnet =

Load the lorries with your amazing magnetic forklift truck! Stack everything in the right position, or the driver won't be pleased! With 20 challenging levels and excellent physics, you'll have your work set out for you!
Date added: November 6, 2010.


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