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Larine besplatne online flash igre i igrice za bebe, djecu i "odrasle" ! Lara's free online games for babies, kids and "adults" ! > Lara's free games > Action games > Clash of the Olympians > Larina igraonica > Pucanje i udaranje > Sudar Titana

Sudar Titana / Clash of the Olympians

U ovoj igri odaberite jednog od 3 starogrčka heroja, Herkula, Ahila ili Perzeja. Vaš zadatak je zaštiti hram i poraziti horde zla koje naviru. Igra se mišem. Klikni i drži za snagu. Poslije možete poboljšavati vaše mogućnosti i jačinu Vašeg hrama.
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Enter the Greek realm and keep the approaching horde of heathens away from your temple. Click and hold to build up the power meter, then release to bombard the incoming enemies! Kill all of the heathens before they destroy your temple, or it'll be game over. Purchase upgrades and abilities with the XP that you earn. Get bonus XP and points at the end of each level by achieving the bonus awards!


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