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Larine besplatne online flash igre i igrice za bebe, djecu i "odrasle" ! Lara's free online games for babies, kids and "adults" ! > Lara's free games > Action games > Age of defense > Larina igraonica > Pucanje i udaranje > Doba obrane

Doba obrane / Age of defense

U ovoj igri Vi ste ratnik koji treba obraniti svoju bazu. Imate 3 vrste oružja. Stvari koje bacate, strijele i puške. Igra se mišem. Tipka 1 je prvo, a tipka 2 pali drugo oružje. Tu je i specijalka. Vidite upute za detalje.
Ovdje su moji profili na Larina igraonica na Facebooku ! i Larina igraonica na Twitteru !za komentare igrice, a možete ju komentirati i na ovoj stranici preko Facebooka.

You are brave warrior armored by 3 type of weapons: Thrown Object, Arrow and Gun, your objective is to protect your base from the enemy onslaught at all cost!
Hold mouse to increase throw power, then release it to throw a thrown object.
Press mouse to shoot arrows and guns, when ammo empty, it will automatically reload.


Age of defense game.

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