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Lara's free online games for babies, kids and "adults" ! > Lara's free games > Baby games > Dora the Explorer

Dora the Explorer (13)
  Dora the Explorer is an American animated television series that is carried on the Nickelodeon cable television network. It is a story about 7 year old girl and her friend (monkey) Boots. Cartoons and Dora the Explorer games are trying to be both fun and educational.
Coloring book.
Tico's acorn game.
Find floatie.
Star catching.
Find Boots.
Dora's puppy adventure. *
Dora's magical garden.
Dora's costume fun.
Super silly costume maker.
Dora's cooking in La Cucina.
Dora's Mermaid Adventure.
Dora saves the Snow Princess.
Dora saves map.


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